Vanilla Bean Extract
Vanilla Bean Extract
Vanilla Bean Extract
Vanilla Bean Extract

Vanilla Bean Extract

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SKU: MK-0066

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Our Homemade Vanilla Bean Extract makes a perfect aromatic ingredient in many of our baked goods. It is made from hand picked vanilla pods from the vines and infused in grain alcohol (50%) for a considerable amount of time. Add it to your cakes, cupcakes, and buttercreams to accentuate the warmth of your goods. To save you the  grind of scaling up and down the recipe, our homemade Vanilla Bean Extract is all set to get you started with your recipe. You can also use it to tend to minor cuts and as a natural deodorizer.

Pro tip: Put some drops of Vanilla Bean Extract on cotton balls and put it in the refrigerator to freshen it up. You can also freshen up your microwave. Just pour a few drops of Vanilla Bean Extract in a bowl containing ½ cup of water and microwave for 30 seconds at high. 



  • Organic Sri Lankan Vanilla Beans
  • Grain Alcohol (50%)


Use in baking goods as per the requirement of the recipes or as a natural deodorizer.

About Vanilla Bean

Vanilla Beans (Vanilla planifolia) is an insanely popular spice, used commonly in baking and sweet recipes. These climbing vines have bagged a rich history due to its creamy, warm, and comforting aroma. They can creep along with a distance of approximately 100 feet.

Vanilla beans are packed with a compound, Vanillin, which does a stellar job at arresting the proliferation of cancerous cells. It also acts as a potent antioxidant and scavenges ROS (Reactive Oxidative Species) quite rapidly to reduce the oxidative stress and diseases related to it. They are frequently employed in the culinary department as a flavoring agent in ice-creams, cakes, cookies, and whatnot. Vanilla beans have also got various medicinal benefits like treating fever, flatulence, and a lot more. Apart from the synthetic essences, the real vanilla beans, nowadays, are liable to awaken the passion for real by acting as a potent aphrodisiac.

Vanilla Bean Extract Frequently Asked Questions

What is Vanilla Bean Extract?

Vanilla Bean Extract is a marvellous artisanally crafted aromatic ingredient for your baked goods. Add it to your cakes, cupcakes, and buttercreams to accentuate the warmth of your goods. To save you the  grind of scaling up and down the recipe, our homemade Vanilla Bean Extract is all set to get you started with your recipe. You can also use it to tend to minor cuts and as a natural deodorizer.


How to use Vanilla Bean Extract?

Use as per the requirement of the recipe you are following. You can also use it to tend to minor cuts and as a natural deodorizer. 


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