Blackberry Leaf - Rubus fruticosus

Blackberry Leaf

Rubus fruticosus

Blackberry leaves tonify the layers of the intestine, especially mucosa. This tonifying attribute helps reduce the inflammation of the intestines and cures severe diarrhea.

  • Plant Family: Rosaceae
  • Plant type: Perennial
  • Other names:
  • Medicinal: Yes
  • Culinary: Yes
  • Ceremonial: No
  • Parts Used: Leaves & Berries
  • Side Effects: None
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About Blackberry Leaf

The moment we hear the word blackberry, a succulent bluish-black fruit flash across our eyes which is famous for its remarkable sweet and tart-like flavor. This simple and sophisticated flavor is the resident of the Rosaceae family. Its plant is characterized by erect stems, featuring compound leaves and flowers that could be white, pink, or red.

No matter how far blackberry fruit has reached to earn its limelight, its leaves still hold dominancy when it comes to medicinal benefits. Traditionally, they are used to help support sore throat, mouth ulcer, bleeding gums, and other oral problems. Blackberry leaves tonify the layers of the intestine, especially mucosa. This tonifying attribute helps reduce the inflammation of the intestines and cures severe diarrhea.

Topically, the leaves are applied as poultices to heal wounds, reduce pain and itchiness of insect bites and stings, and aids in curing hemorrhoids.

Blackberry leaves are high in various physiologically active ingredients like salicylic acid, flavonoids, ellagic acid, anthocyanins, polyphenols, and fibers. The ancient Romans loved drinking the blackberry leaves tea as a curative measure for various illnesses.


Blackberry plant is usually planted in early spring through seeds or cane cuttings. The plant of blackberry is very easy to grow. It likes to thrive in a warm climate, as in cold seasons the plant may die due to being extremely cold sensitive.

Blackberry plants can be grown both indoors and outdoors easily. In both cases, indoors and outdoors, the plant is obliged to receive good sun exposure, fertile soil with excellent drainage, and organic content.

For a containerized plant, it is made sure that the pot is at least 12 inches deep as its root serves the perennial role.

The seeds of blackberry are quick to germinate within 15 to 20 days. They soon send up shoots that are eager to give out coarsely toothed, oval-shaped leaves.

After about 60 to 70 days of the plantation, the blackberry plant is capable of producing flowers. These flowers fulfill the responsibility of running the process of pollination successfully with the aid of a wide array of pollinating agents.

Soon the flower undergoes post-fertilization changes to make way for the development of fruit. The seeds in the fruits/berries get dispersed by animals, in the form of feces as it is not digested by them.

The root system of the blackberry plant is perennial whereas, its aerial parts are biennial. Simply and sophisticatedly, the aerial parts die every year but the root system stays alive for an ample period to send out new shoots and eradicate the dead ones.


Young leaves of blackberry are harvested just before the plant enters the flowering phase. Check for the tender ones to enjoy the perks of their active ingredients.

Blackberry leaves are harvested with a snipping tool or sharp gardening shears. It is important to wear gloves before the task to save the fingers from getting pricked by thorns.

Blackberry leaves can be used fresh but to save its essence for the whole year-round, they are air-dried in a well-ventilated room. They may take at least a week to dry completely.

The leaves are checked for molds before being crushed and getting stored in an airtight jar.


Blackberry leaves are sweeping the world off of various ailments due to their purported medicinal benefits. They are formulated into different sorts of dosage forms to seek exemption from different problematic diseases and disorders.

  • Tincture - Infuse fresh or dried chopped blackberry leaves in grain alcohol for 4 to 6 weeks. Strain the liquid and place it in a dark and dry place.
  • Tea - A teaspoon of powdered blackberry leaves is steeped in hot boiling water, not more than five minutes. The tea is strained and the tea is consumed to seek its perks.
  • Decoction - A handful of blackberry leaves are boiled in 1 qt. water until the volume becomes half. The plant material is strained and the decoction is consumed fresh.
  • Syrup - Water, sugar, and blackberries’ leaves are rolled to boil until the sugar dissolves. The leaves are filtered away and the syrup is saved and cooled for consumption.
  • Salve - Blackberry leaves infused oil is used to make a salve.
  • Infused oil - Blackberry leaves are infused in a carrier oil of choice in a crockpot for 3 to 4 hours to yield infused oil.