Herbal Actions

The following is a listing of  properties that may be found in various medicinal plants.  These properties may be extracted from specific plants using different techniques such as extracts, teas, salves, elixirs, infusions and other methods.

  • Adaptogen

    A tonic that helps balance the body by supporting its ability to deal with physical, mental, and emotional stress.

  • Alterative

    Alternatives are herbal treatments that progressively improve the body's normal operation, fostering improved health and vigor.

  • Analgesic

    Provides pain relief, topically and internally .

  • Anthelmintic

    Anthelmintic, also known as dewormers, are substances that treat parasitic worm infections in both people and animals.

  • Anti-inflammatory

    Anti-inflammatory action is a process that involves the reduction in inflammation (swelling, redness, and pain) that might be a response to infection.

  • Antianxiety

    Helps lessen anxiety.

  • Antibacterial

    Inhibits the growth and production of bacteria.

  • Anticatarrhal

    Supports the body to dissolve, remove, or prevent the excess formation of mucus in the respitory passages.

  • Antidepressant

    Lessens the frequency, occurrence, or intensity of depressive states.

  • Antiemetic

    Antiemetic substances mitigate or prevent the occurrence of nausea and vomiting. These symptoms can manifest due to various triggers, such as motion sickness, chemotherapy, pregnancy, specific medical ailments, or the recuperation period after surgery.

  • Antifungal

    Inhibits the excess growth and production of fungal infections.

  • Antimicrobial

    Inhibits the growth and production of a broad spectrum of microbes, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoans.

  • Antioxidant

    Inhibits the production of free radicals in the body.

  • Antipyretic

    Lowers or reduces a fever.

  • Antirheumatic

    Relieves the pain and discomfort of musculoskeletal inflammation through a variety of actions.

  • Antiseptic

    Antiseptics are antimicrobial substances that are applied to living tissue/skin to reduce the possibility of infection, sepsis, or putrefaction

  • Antispasmodic

    Eases cramps or spasam in skeletal or smooth muscle tissue.

  • Antiviral

    Inhibits the growth and production of viruses.

  • Aphrodisiac

    Excites, nourishes, sustains, or elevates sexual or sensual desire.

  • Astringent

    Tightens or constricts bodily tissue, namely the mucous membranes and skin.

  • Bitter

    An herb known for its positive effect on digestive and liver function due to its bitter taste.

  • Bronchodilator

    Dilates the bronchi and bronchioles, thereby increasing airflow to the lungs.

  • Cardiotonic

    A tonic herb that has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels.

  • Carminative

    Aids the release of gas from the intestines and reduces the production of gas.

  • Decongestant

    Helps relieve nasal congestion and inflammation.

  • Demulcent

    A mucilaginous (slimy) herb that soothes and protects irritated mucous membranes.

  • Dermatitis

    Inflammation of the skin evidenced my itchiness, redness, and various lesions.

  • Diaphoretic

    Stimulates perspiration through peripheral vasodilation or stimulation of the sweat glands.

  • Diuretic

    Increases the secretion and elimination of urine from the body.

  • Emmenagogue

    Helps bring on menses.

  • Emollient

    Softens and soothes external tissue.

  • Expectorant

    Aids in the removal of mucus from the lungs.

  • Galactogogue

    Encourages the production and secretion of breast milk.

  • Hemostatic

    Helps reduce or stop bleeding.

  • Hepatic

    Supports general liver function.

  • Hypotensive

    Lowers blood pressure.

  • Immune tonics

    An herb that has traditionally been used over long periods of time to support and bolster the immune system.

  • Immunomodulator

    Regulates and balances the immune system.

  • Immunostimulant

    An herb that is typically used in short-term infections to stimulate the immune system.

  • Lymphagogue

    Moves lymph fluid through the lymphatic system.

  • Nervine

    An herb that has a positive effect on the nervous system.

  • Sedative

    Exerts a soothing, tranquilizing effect on the body.

  • Sialagogue

    Promotes saliva production.

  • Stimulants

    Herbs that work to enliven the body's physiological processes.

  • Stomachic

    Aids the stomach and digestion action.

  • Styptic

    An astringent herb that helps reduce or stop external bleeding.

  • Tonic

    Substance that increases strength and tone.

  • Vermifuge

    Expels parasites from the body. (anthelmintic).

  • Vulnerary

    Helps heal tissue, both when applied topically or taken internally.