Winter Salve & Its Ingredients

Winter Salve & Its Ingredients

By Shannon, Posted in MK Product

Winter’s coming! And with it, the inevitable battle against dry, cracked hands. But fret not, for in your arsenal lies a weapon of pure, nature-infused magic: Winter Salve. 

It's time to dive deep into the magic that's set to keep your hands moisturized and merry as the temperatures drop. Trust me, your hands will thank you (and your friends might ask you what your secret is)!

Let’s talk ingredients—because this isn’t your ordinary moisturizer. This salve is packed with botanical brilliance. Here’s a look at how each ingredient works its magic:

Mayernik Garden Peppermint Leaves

Peppermint may be your summer favorite for iced teas, but it’s got an unsung role in winter, too. The Mayernik Garden Peppermint Leaves in this salve provide a refreshing touch, but beyond its crisp scent, peppermint works wonders for skin. It can help soothe any irritation or inflammation that winter brings, making your hands feel calm and cool, even in the harshest winds. And let’s not forget the mental refresh peppermint offers—because who doesn’t need a little pep in their step during dark, frosty mornings?

Mayernik Garden White Pine Infused Organic Olive Oil

If your skin could have a best friend in winter, it would be Mayernik Garden White Pine infused olive oil. Olive oil is already a champion of hydration, but when it’s infused with white pine, its powers are practically superhero-level. White pine has natural anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness and irritation from the dry, cold air, while the olive oil locks in moisture. This means your hands stay soft, supple, and ready for whatever winter throws at them.
*whether it’s snowball fights or scraping ice off your windshield.

Organic Beeswax

Let’s give a round of applause to bees! Organic beeswax is like nature’s shield for your skin, creating a protective layer that locks in moisture while allowing your skin to breathe. It acts as a barrier against the wind and cold while trapping all the hydrating goodness from the other ingredients right where you need it. Plus, beeswax is packed with vitamin A, which supports skin cell reconstruction, making it essential for healing those pesky winter cracks.

Organic Peppermint Essential Oil 

Rounding off this blend is organic peppermint essential oil, the aromatic star of the show. Aside from its invigorating scent that feels like a crisp winter breeze, this essential oil adds another layer of skin-soothing benefits. It can help improve circulation, which is just what your hands need when they’ve been exposed to chilly weather. 

The combination of these thoughtfully chosen, organic ingredients makes for a salve that doesn’t just sit on top of your skin. 

It heals, hydrates, and protects! 

Every layer of this blend serves a purpose in keeping your hands happy and hydrated.

So, whether you’re braving blizzards or just trying to survive your daily commute, make sure your Winter Salve is tucked in your bag, ready to rescue your hands whenever the cold comes calling. And who knows? You might just become the hand-care hero of your friend group!

Stay soft, stay smooth, and let winter do its worst—your hands are ready.