June 29th....Already....Where has time gone?
The month of June flew by! I can't believe we are celebrating Independence Day in just a few days. The garden is doing amazing! So much has grown and there are tons of flowers/fruit on the plants. We even picked two cherry tomatoes already! Tomatoes are a staple in New Jersey but we seem to never pick them this early.
This month's garden blog is a little different. I wanted to capture the garden in a "macro" view. I recently purchased a new lens so what better way to practice than out in the garden. It's an amazing way to see the garden. I love the tiny little details we tend to look over daily on a living plant.
There were so many things I could take a pictures of, but I limited it just a few. So I invited to into the Mayernik Garden for a little sneak peek of what's been growing! And I hope you enjoy the cocktails we like to enjoy on a nightly walk around the garden.
Oh and that last picture....those tiny, tiny little bunnies! We found them in the carrot and beet box. This is the second nest we found in the garden in June. These babies were way too little to move so we allowed them to stay. Once they get a little bigger, we will move them out of the garden, but close enough so Mom could still find them!