All About Clary Sage Flower Essence

All About Clary Sage Flower Essence

By Shannon, Posted in MK Product

Greetings, flower enthusiasts and clarity seekers! 

Today, we’re embarking on a fragrant journey into the world of Clary Sage Flower Essence, a remarkable remedy known for its ability to cut through mental haze and bring a refreshing sense of clarity to our lives. 

If you've ever wished for a mental windshield wiper to clear away the fog of confusion, you're in the right place. Let’s uncover how Clary Sage Flower Essence can help you see your life with renewed sharpness and insight.

Flower Essence

Before we plunge into the aromatic embrace of Clary Sage, let's take a moment to appreciate the magical realm of flower essences. Flower essences are not to be confused with essential oils or herbal extracts. These are subtle liquid extracts used primarily for emotional and spiritual healing.

They work on the principle that flowers have unique vibrational patterns which can impact our own energetic fields. Think of them as Mother Nature’s mood enhancers, mood stabilizers, and emotional aligners, all rolled into a few drops of liquid sunshine.

Clary Sage Flower Essence

Now, let’s zero in on Clary Sage, scientifically known as Salvia sclarea. If herbs were people, Clary Sage would be that friend who always knows just what to say to make everything clear. It’s the perennial life coach of the herb world, particularly when it comes to issues of clarity and vision—both literally and figuratively.

The Clary Sage flower essence is particularly cherished for its ability to sharpen mental clarity and enhance intuitive insight. Feeling lost in a fog of indecision? Clary Sage is here to part the clouds and help you see your path with crystal clarity.

Properties of Clary Sage Flower Essence

Here’s what Cary Sage Flower Essence brings to the table:

Mental Clarity

Just as the plant has been used traditionally to clear the eyes, the essence works to clear the mind. It’s perfect for those days when your thoughts feel like a tangled ball of yarn.

Enhanced Intuition

Clary Sage doesn’t just help you see; it helps you see beyond. This essence is known to enhance intuitive capabilities, making it easier to trust your gut feelings and inner wisdom.

Creative Vision

Stuck in a creative rut? Clary Sage can help unblock creative channels, allowing inspiration to flow freely. It’s the muse you never knew you needed.

Emotional Insight

Clary Sage doesn’t just help you see; it helps you see beyond. This essence is known to enhance intuitive capabilities, making it easier to trust your gut feelings and inner wisdom.

How to Use Clary Sage Flower Essence

Here are a few suggestions on how you can incorporate Clary Sage Flower Essence to your routine:

Daily Drops

Place 2-4 drops under your tongue or in a glass of water. Sip slowly and let the clarity wash over you.

Bath Time

Add a few drops to your bathwater. Soak in the clarity as you soak in the tub.


Add a few drops to a diffuser while meditating. Breathe deeply and let your thoughts clear like morning mist.